The 66 Best Halloween Songs for Your Party Playlist


Halloween parties are either very lame or super fun. There’s just no in-between. But one thing can can heavily sway your shindig in the right direction: Halloween songs that perfectly vibe with all the great couples Halloween costumes and Halloween makeup your friends serve. If you have good music—i.e., songs that are overplayed, like “Monster Mash,” are nowhere in sight—then there’s a pretty high chance the night’s going to be lit. If you’re scratching your head now thinking, “Well, what Halloween songs for parties are on theme but not cheesy?” then look no further than the playlist below. 

We handpicked 66 popular songs that are catchy and fun as hell but also have a dark, spooky factor perfect for your Halloween playlist. From Rihanna’s “Disturbia” to “Spooky” by Dusty Springfield, these bops cross genres—meaning there’s something for everyone in this mix. Get ready to mash, monsters, because these are the best Halloween songs. 

(And if you need more ways to entertain, check out our guides to the best Halloween shows as well as classic Halloween movies available to stream.)


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