The 13 Best Celebrity Tattoos of 2021


We weren’t prepared for the utter beauty of the best celebrity tattoos of 2021 (or the insanity of the worst celebrity tattoos, but let’s ignore those and be kind). Both unexpected and meaningful, many of the best celebrity tattoos of 2021 honor love, motherhood, and spirituality. And several of the designs are simple and easy to execute at your local parlor. 

Since there’s nothing we love more than an end-of-the-year roundup of celeb tattoos, we found 13 of the best new celebrity tattoos of 2021. From dainty tats to more intricate designs with secretive meanings, find some of the best celebrity tattoos of 2021, below.

Want more tattoo content? Click here for information on tattoo-removal costs, here for a guide to stick and poke tattoos, and here for a list of celebrities who removed their tattoos. (Nothing beats a celebrity tattoo removal before and after, right? I mean, celebrity face tattoos hardly last forever.)


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