Here’s Your Horoscope for the Week Ahead
Your weekly horoscope has arrived. What is truth anyway? It’s a question worth asking this week as you take a bird’s-eye view on your perceptions of clarity. During Monday’s solar eclipse, hit reset on an aspect of your life that needs some revision. Have faith in your ability to make the most of opportunities as they present while releasing what doesn’t ignite your enthusiasm or interest. Read on to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of December 14 through to December 20, 2020.
Aries | Aries rising
This week an impactful and final reset in your zone of study and self-expansion occurs on Monday. What are you finally ready to say goodbye to? And what are you committing to bring into your world to feed your mind and open up new pathways you’ve wanted to explore but haven’t until now? This is your break-the-shackles moment. Commit to adding your personal brand and philosophy to life and make it liberating and inspirational. Unhook from systems that don’t serve you, think vision statement you can peg your chariot to.
Taurus | Taurus rising
Don’t be afraid to dig up and ditch any ghosts you spot in the shadows of your ambient feelings and desires. If you’ve tethered yourself to routines that block true connection at the deepest level, this is your time to commit to pegging out breathing space into relational tight spots. Drop into your feelings and find the places you want to merge with another, as well as where you need your independence. Your life is your own, and you are responsible for setting and communicating your rules of play.
Gemini | Gemini rising
If your ideal relationship could benefit from more independence or inspiration, this is your week to set intentions and plan how to take those steps. Personal growth and intellectual stimulation are attractive; commit to doing your bit. It’s beneficial to cultivate each one on one to contribute to your best life. Be clear on any collaborations and get everything pinned down in writing, with a signed copy for both parties or an email that’s easily searched for posterity as there’s a hazy side to this week.
Cancer | Cancer rising
Your aspirations may be out of step with your day-to-day habits, both in your workplace and your life. This week seek to sync them. How can you grow in your job, keep it fresh and inspirational for you and the people you serve? If something needs to change, identify what that is, and reset. Blend your vision with your daily, so each move you make is like a master chess player, taking you closer to your goal, whether that’s a specific lifestyle, ecological, health, or interpersonal choice.
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