Your Leo Tarot Horoscope for the Month Ahead


Own your growth, Leo! Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you shift your perspective to become who you’ve always dreamed of being. Together, we can find your highest vibrational self in 2021.

Read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Leo. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope

Meghan Rose is a Los Angeles–based spiritual advisor, intuitive tarot card reader, and author whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at and follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

April 2021

Nine of Pentacles: Well, well, well Leo… It seems that your hard work is paying off in a big way in April. Your career path has been anything but conventional; with the new moon on April 11, you’ll be feeling ready to call in exactly what you want for an outcome to your choices and decisions. It feels like there are a few holes in the bottom of your boat when it comes to finances, and you’ll be better off when you let go of those unnecessary subscriptions, recurring charges, or financially dependent friends or family members. Start to see that you don’t need to make more, you just have to start spending less! Set boundaries around your time, money, and energy this month and watch the way your life starts to change for the better.

You are on a path that most may not understand, but the point of life isn’t to be understood by everyone, it’s to fully understand and express yourself. For some, I’m seeing you embracing singledom. Letting go of the idea that you need to bounce from one relationship to the next in order to feel fulfilled will set you free. This newfound embrace of solitude and self-love is going to attract the right person at the right time, but don’t rush this chapter of your story. Instead, find more ways to be present to your life and truly listen to your inner voice before they arrive.

March 2021

Three of Swords: A lion with the heart of a lamb. It seems you’re feeling a deep sense of loss and pain that’s keeping your life at a standstill. Your guides are asking you to alchemize the pain, overwhelming feelings, or frustration that’s been present into something beautiful. You’re being called toward vulnerability—the situation has to be worked through; it cannot be avoided. Even if you leave this person, job, or scenario, the same lesson will crop up later on for you.

Just because something is unfamiliar or uncomfortable does not mean that it’s wrong for you. If you’ve been beating yourself up about the way that a situation transpired recently, March will be the month to right your wrongs. Don’t be afraid to take accountability, or hold space for hard conversations. You will be met with kindness and love from those you’re afraid to approach. Take a deep breath, stand up tall, and walk toward this new chapter with confidence. You’re breaking age-old cycles in the here and now.

February 2021

Four of Swords: This month you’re being called to put old behaviors to rest. It seems like the recent past has caused emotions to flare and tensions to rise. Certain people and situations are triggering you more than you’d like to admit, Leo. Not to fret. February will be a powerful time for you to start taking accountability and finally freeing yourself from this pattern. If you’ve been battling with deep-seated anger or fear lately, know that you are about to pass this seemingly endless test. Rise up apologize for what you said or did while you were overwhelmed. Those closest to you will be understanding—that is, if you’re willing to be truly vulnerable.

For some of you this is a sign to be more honest about your intentions. It seems that you’ve started to drift away from your integrity in recent weeks, and this is your sign to come back to your truth. You don’t need to distract yourself with social media, over-working, poor dating habits, or Netflix binges. Take some time to rest and unplug—your spirit will thank you.

January 2021

Six of Cups: You are headed into a new year filled with bliss and play, my lovely Leo! January is all about letting the good times flow and reminding yourself that nothing is “too good to be true”—you deserve the happiness that’s coming your way. 

A vacation or staycation with a lover may be what’s providing you with this relaxed energy, or simply letting go of responsibilities and biting off more than one lion can rightfully chew. Think about the most carefree part of your life. What holds you back from that feeling now? Whatever the answer, let it go and make room for more ease.


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