Georgia May Jagger Isn’t Afraid to Play With Color


Pre-pandemic, you traveled all the time. What city or country gives you the greatest beauty inspiration? 

It has to be Tokyo [for] experimentation there and New York as well. I just seeing people’s looks on the street in Manhattan and in Tokyo, and seeing how people really embrace different styles. I love it when people really mix it up with makeup and funky hair.

 You can only use three beauty products for the rest of your life. What are they and why?

For skincare I love ISUN’s products, so any of their moisturizers. I would have to say a great mascara—Pat McGrath or Charlotte Tilbury, I like anything that’s more kind of chunky. And then our Hair Elixir, I use it every day on wet or dry hair and it’s really great—especially when I’m in LA, if you’ve got flyaways and frizz. And I don’t even blow dry it, I just kind of like twizzle my hair, and that’s my go-to quick look. 

Charlotte Tilbury Full Fat Lashes Mascara

Pat McGrath Labs Dark Star Volumizing Mascara

Bleach London Hair Elixir

ISUN Phyto-Antioxidant Moisturizing Cream

What’s the best beauty advice you ever got from your mom?

She’s very into high glamour. And even more than me, she just really embraces change. So I think it would be not to be afraid. She just did a semi-permanent red on her hair—she just goes for what she feels in the moment, it’s not about being boxed in. So yeah, just learning to embrace change. A lot of people worry about their age as far as their hair length or the kind of makeup they wear, and I always think you should just go with it and not worry about what society says. Fortunately, we’re seeing a lot of younger people that want to have gray hair, and older people that want to do funky colors. I think as women we’re told you have to act a certain way during a certain age, and I think that’s going out of fashion now.

What’s your favorite way to take a moment for yourself?

I like to walk my dog and listen to music. I guess I’m kind of boring, but I like anything in nature, or having a nice bath, something relaxing like that. 

What music are you into right now?

Well, I’ve just been listening to the new Wolf Alice album. They just did a collab with a color for us,  so I’ve been listening to that. But I always go back to old school R&B. 

If you could change one thing about beauty perceptions, either on social media or in Hollywood, what would you want to change? 

I think it it’s already changing slowly, but body positivity and embracing different looks and like natural figures, whatever it is. I just want to see everyone supporting each other and not tearing each other down, and I think that’s changing a lot in the fashion industry, and it’s really nice to see. 

Who are the women who are inspiring you the most right now?

Well, I’m biased, but I would say my business partner, Alex. She’s flown all the way here from London, and she’s pregnant, and we’re launching the business. I think that she’s a superhero. And I mean, I’m cheesy, I always say my sisters and the women in my family. I feel like everyone’s really supportive to each other. We’re this big group of women, so I love being around all of them. They’re all completely different, but we all really get along.

Bella Cacciatore is the beauty writer at Glamour. Follow her on Instagram @bellacacciatore_.


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