14 Winter Date Ideas That Will Cure Cabin Fever


A wine-of-the-month club never seemed like such a good idea. You can try mixing new cocktails from your home bar cart, or turn doing the dishes (the never-ending dishes!) into some kind of drinking game. The one benefit of getting lit at home is you don’t need to worry about paying for an Uber after last call.

10. Have a themed cuisine night.

Colin Hawkins

Cannoli and The Godfather. Chocolate and Chocolat. Ratatouille and Ratatouille. Order (or make) a dish you’ve been meaning to try, and find a movie that’s somehow related to it, whether by location or as part of the plot. You can even dress up and listen to thematically related music. It’s a night in Paris without the hassle or the expense!

11. Get crafty.


Color us corny, but we love all the wintry crafts. Make a gingerbread house together or bust out the old protractor and cut out those six-pointed paper snowflakes we all made in middle school. Knit each other scarves and hats and mittens to stay cozy all winter long. You’d be surprised how easy it is to get into a deep conversation when you’re also doing something with your hands.

12. Have a snowball fight.

Digital Vision.

If you can’t beat the cold, embrace it. Get a sled and hit the park, make snow angels and pelt each other with snowballs…roll up a snowman too. As long as it’s light out, make the most of the outdoors.

13. Throw a mini concert.


Did you learn to play the guitar in quarantine? Even if it’s only “Wonderwall,” your date wants to hear it, because there’s just nothing like live music. If neither of you are instrumentally inclined, stream a live concert together and pretend you’re at a venue. Hey, no line for the bathroom.

14. Have sex.


Listen, it’s been a hard year, we all need this.


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